cycle finished--now what?


New member
Ok, I got all my basic numbers to where they should be:

Nitrite, nitrate, ammonia = 0
Ph = 8.3
Alk = 10
calcium 440
SG = 1.025
Temp = 83
120 g
116 lbs aragonite/fine mix
130 lbs live/base rock mix

I am going to do a water change tonight, about 30%. I have a clean up crew on the way and a few snails/hermits that I already have will go in tomorrow (I want to check the water once more after the change). This weekend I will add my mated pair of clowns if all goes well for the rest of the week.

Can I impulse buy now? I really would love to get a couple of small zoo colonies this weekend. And maybe a wrasse.

BTW, the tank has only been up for 11 days, so if I have to put my impulse buys off a little longer, I will. Kinda defeats the idea of impulse buying, but better than impulse flushing.
Impulse buying almost always leads to trouble. I know you know this, but make sure before you add anything to your tank that you know what its reqiurments are (food, tank size, compatibility, ect...). I would also hold off on anything that says it may be difficult to keep. Wait until all your water params are consistant over a few months at least and that you get a water change regiment down. Anyway, I waited almost 2 years before buying a crocea to make absolutly sure that everything was in order and water params were correct and consistant. Maybe two years is a little long, but the clam looks great and i'm glad I waited.

Kinda funny, the teacher and student have switched roles. LOL
I missed the 11 days part. I would wait a couple more weeks. Its hard to wait, I know, but it is worth it.
You're right--But two years! How can you do that?

Yes, I noticed that about the teacher/student. I am never hesitant to admit when I have a knowledge deficit. I can play any role.

I suppose I should wait to add my clowns as well, shouldn't I? Poor things, waiting patiently in a 10g QT.
Well, if you got em in a QT already, and it seems your tank is cycled, I guess you can put em in. Just keep a close eye on em and if you notice any detectable ammonia come up in the main tank, get em back into the QT. Clowns, at least in my experience, are pretty hardy. Remember, Patients, Patients, Patients.
Yes, I had them in a 29g that I tore down to make room for the 120. They have been waiting quietly for over three weeks for me to finish the new condo.

Is it possible that the ammonia will fluctuate regardless of what I put in for a few weeks (months)? I certainly would rather get that over with before putting the clowns in--they aren't easy to catch in the 10 g, I can't imagine what it would be like in the 120.

I just put on an ASM-G2 skimmer (had an Aqua C before), and I have a phosban reactor and another with carbon in it.

Since I never got any ammonia reading at all in this tank, I just assumed that concern was over with. I used 2-year-old lr from another tank in the house and had a very gentle cycle.
Once the tank is cycled, you really shouldn't have to worry about ammonia. How much rock do you have in there?
I have 130 lbs--about half of it came out of my FOWLR tank, the rest from a curing pool at the LFS that I had been watching for a few weeks. I'd had mine over two years.

I know I should have more, but I am assuming that many of the corals I get will have their own. That's the way my LFS sells them--more money when you pay for the rock, too. Plus I know I will find pieces that I'll find irresistible here and there.

Ok then, if nothing goes wrong in the next three days, Mr. and Mrs. C are going in!
"Once the tank is cycled, you really shouldn't have to worry about ammonia. "
...when you add the fish, you will see a very very very small ammon. spike...BUT nothing major to worry about. and at 120G..your system wont even feel it.