Daily Phosphate RX dosing for Phosphate control in SPS tank


New member
Hello all!

I would like to keep my phosphate around 0.03 - 0.08 ish and I'm considering using LC (Phosphate RX) to do this. I was considering dosing a couple drops per day to keep levels stable and wanted to hear about your experience with it.

Right now my Phosphate is 0.1 per the Hanna ULR kit, not out of control but I'd like it to be lower.

1. Do you, or have you used a method like this to reduce phosphate?

2. What were your results? Were/Are you happy with it?

3. Did you use any kind of mechanical filtration? Did you have problems with the water being cloudy?

4. Were you able to maintain consistent phosphate levels?

5. Are you still using Phosphate RX?

Thank you!
I have with great success. I dosed lanthum chloride into my skimmer to drastically reduce p04s. It never clouded my tank and only made a milky thick sludge in the skimmer collection cup. I am still using lanthum choloride. I only use a couple drops in almost 220 gallons of water.
I like this method a lot more than GFO. I feel like Phosph RX is a lot more controlled. It allows keeping phosphates low but detectable.

However, I stopped doing anything to reduce phosphates besides a skimmer and chaeto several months ago. I don't test phosphates anymore. I have a kole tang and lots of snails. I don't have any algae, and my SPS seem to be growing fine. Maybe not as much growth as some of you, but the colors seem great to me.
Thank you for the replies!

When it was about 6 months old my tank did amazing with no phosphate export, now that I'm at about the 2 year mark I'm finding a need to better control export for long term success. I've not tried controlling phosphate before, but many successful tanks do so I thought I'd give it a try.

I'm bumping this up to hear about more people's experiance,
I'm a very big believer in dosing different types of beneficial bacteria to your tank. One that I found the most beneficial seem to be aquaforest Pro bio s. It seems to work both on nitrates and phosphates. It might be just what your needs to get balanced again.