Dam this Clam! Suggestions.


Active member
First I put my crocea clam on the rocks. Three jumps later I gave up on that spot. I put it on the sand. It started burying and I didn't want it to attach to the bottom so I placed it on a flat piece of rock on the sand hoping it will attach to that. Now it has moved on that piece of rock up to the front of the tank. It is still on the rock but it seems to have stopped there, I would bet, only because it can't go any further. When it opens it is now pressing its flesh against the glass. Is it potentially harming itself by pressing against the glass? This thing is worse than a darn anemone.
The Flesh as you are saying is the mantle ( colorful part ). This shouldn't harm it in any way... I would say let it be...

You can try just simply burying a rock about an inch in the sand and then burying your clam just a little bit, about 1 cm into the sand right side up and over where you placed the rock so that it can attach to the rock and stay positioned..

Good luck!
It's a teardrop maxima, very cool and very expensive. Lebowski has graced us with about two dozen different threads regarding it:D. If you do a search you'll find all kinds of pics and info.

It is very common for clams that are placed on the sand to press against the front glass. I believe it is a result of the reflection and refraction of light off the glass that increases the light level slightly. 5 of my 6 squamosas constantly move up against the glass and when I can be bothered I go and move them all away. It does no damage to the clam and is not a response to the clam recieving too little light, mine are under 400W Iwasakis in an 18" tall tank.