dangers of reefkeeping

Oh ya I watched that one. You should have heard me speaking toward the television. Things came out of my mouth like, "And you two just did that because?" And "Way to go... that pain must feel life affirming." I'm sorry, it may have made good entertainment but you know they are kicking themselves in the arse for a long time to come over that decision.
I'm a new reefer (recently just bought my first coral - a small colony of button polyps.. DOH) and all this information and horror stories just simply discourage me from wanting to go further with this hobby! I'm not comfortable with risking injury or even death in my own aquarium! Quite frankly I don't believe anyone is either - and whether its the hype that's gotten to me or if there is actually any merit to these dangers I can't go on risking myself like this.

I'm a bit frustrated because I've recently learned about all these dangers of the reef. Precautions or not, accidents are going to happen in the future (for me and anyone else); its simply inevitable. Palytoxin is highly toxic and with no antedote what happens if I'm poisoned? I'm not about to munch of a colony of button polyps or zoos but like I said I'm sure something will go wrong in the future.

I don't know what to think right now. Maybe I'm just too frustrated at hearing all these dangers about the reef.

With all the dangers in the aquarium business (or the world for that matter) it's a wonder how we even live at all.
What about the dangers from the tank itself, not just the inhabitants?

Electrocution, Fire, Flood (although the flood isn't life threatening unless you have a really big tank)

Unless you plan on eating polyps or fragging/cutting them with an open wound or sore I would not worry.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6442916#post6442916 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by andynyc
I'm a new reefer (recently just bought my first coral - a small colony of button polyps.. DOH) and all this information and horror stories just simply discourage me from wanting to go further with this hobby! I'm not comfortable with risking injury or even death in my own aquarium! Quite frankly I don't believe anyone is either - and whether its the hype that's gotten to me or if there is actually any merit to these dangers I can't go on risking myself like this.

I'm a bit frustrated because I've recently learned about all these dangers of the reef. Precautions or not, accidents are going to happen in the future (for me and anyone else); its simply inevitable. Palytoxin is highly toxic and with no antedote what happens if I'm poisoned? I'm not about to munch of a colony of button polyps or zoos but like I said I'm sure something will go wrong in the future.

I don't know what to think right now. Maybe I'm just too frustrated at hearing all these dangers about the reef.

With all the dangers in the aquarium business (or the world for that matter) it's a wonder how we even live at all.

I know that these horror stories are really harsh, but it is just the flat out truth of the things in our aquarium. But the chances are actually very slim in such a thing happening. Proper tank husbandry and keeping habits will prevent most, if not, all of these from happening to you. But if you really want to break it down, you are more likely to get into a fatal car accident driving to work or to the grocery store than to ever feel any major side effects from reefing (besides the "Oops, I grabbed a bristleworm" or "Gosh, this saltwater dries out my skin" incidents)

On that note....can I quit my job?! :D

Also, I would love to see some old black and white '50s movie of a narrator talking about the dangers of our aquariums :lmao: You know, like the ones about "Jimmy and Personal Hygene" :p

Also, I would love to see some old black and white '50s movie of a narrator talking about the dangers of our aquariums :lmao: You know, like the ones about "Jimmy and Personal Hygene" :p [/B]

That would be so great :P . I sent my husband a request for him to see if he can dig anything up.
Well, I am afraid not. My husband was pointing out some that I could copy the style of for a script or include sound bites from, but .... :( .

Here is a site you might enjoy anyway though:
All public domain

I think the closest might be Fish from Hell, which I am not sure if it would disturb me if I watched it :P .
But I'm not half as afraid of these things as I am of being electrocuted!! I swear I'm going to develope a twitch the next time I get shocked.

I agree 100% on this one! I used to not put in drip loops in my powerhead cables. One day the prefilter on my remora got yanked off, pulling the powerhead off with it. Water went shooting out over the back of the aquarium. Not thinking clearly, I grabbed the powerhead and stuck my foot under the stand. I was feeling around for the powerstrip, hoping to flip the switch. It was absolutly covered and filled with saltwater. I was able to turn the strip off, but not before getting a couple good shocks.

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