danskim's 300g rimless starphire

Hey danskim,

I might have missed it in the thread somewhere, but did you specify to GlassCages, the size of your overflow? If not how big is yours? And how big are the holes drilled? How many?

What size overflow would you all recommend for a tank of 48, 60, 72, or bigger in length?
You cannot calculate overflow size based on tank length alone. The overflow size is determined by the flow desired through the overflow. Check out RC's drain/overflow size calculator. The link to this page is on RC's home page, along the left hand side, under the heading "Calculators." HTH.

Thanks Dudster, ignore that one PM where I asked the location of this! I see now you were talking to me already!

How do you know the GPH for a 150 gallon tank?
Calculate how much flow you want through your sump, like for example, 5x turnover, which would equal 750 gph for a 150g tank. Plug in that number and there you go. Now let's not hijack Dan's thread any more than this, cool?