DARC Fragswap - Saturday December 3rd - Highlands Ranch High School


Chair, MACNA 2014
Mark your calendars for our winter swap! Once again we will be hosted by HRHS and there will be an opportunity to see (and contribute to) the schools aquariums.

We'll have some of your favorite Colorado vendors as well as a raffle.

We will also be holding our ever popular Garage Sale, so start searching through your fish room for used gear to earn some holiday spending money at the swap!

As always, the event is free to all. If you would like to participate as a vendor, please drop us a note at d.a.r.c@comcast.net.

More details to follow as we get closer to the event.

Wanting to make sure this is still a go.

Wanting to make sure this is still a go.

Just wondering if this is still going to happen this weekend.