Darth maul porites


New member
Just purchased a small frags of this and wondering how many others have tried or still have this. Are they still popular or harder to find. Easy to grow or difficult?
Just purchased a small frags of this and wondering how many others have tried or still have this. Are they still popular or harder to find. Easy to grow or difficult?

I WISH I could get my hands on this coral!
It is so cool!
Not sure it's very prevalent in Canada..
Just purchased a small frags of this and wondering how many others have tried or still have this. Are they still popular or harder to find. Easy to grow or difficult?

I WISH I could get my hands on this coral!
It is so cool!
Not sure it's very prevalent in Canada..

Hey! I just realized your from Canada!
Where'd you buy yours?
I actually got mine at fragbox. Not sure how it will do but it is neat. There are some older posts on it but didn't find anything recent.
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Mark, (watchguy) has a piece but you certainly don't see it very often..
It's a low ish light coral.
How long ago did you get it?
Good to know you got it there.. I'm coming to get in March's back until he finds me one!
I've only had it a few days now, about an inch. It's under a kessil and not that high to see how it reacts. It's not a piece I was totally unaware of but I won't spend a fortune for a coral. If say the$60 would be my max. I had a coral melt before my eyes and it's a totally helpless experience.
I have been propagating this coral for a while now. It can be aclimated to high light but will turn lighter colored if the tank doesn't have a lot of nutrients in the water. Low light it does best when you first get it. That's why a lot of people had trouble with it in the beginning, everyone thought it was like other porites and needed to be blasted. I have a few frags that have been healed for a while I can try and remember to take a picture but I rarely even look at my tank anymore... :(