DB 57 Rimless build


New member
Hey guys so after a year of fighting dino's and eventually being on the losing end of it i had to break down my 40B and save w/e coral i could. Here is a pic early on of the tank.

I lost all my SPS but was able to salvage zoa's, acans and few lps. All of which is doing great in a frag tank i have set up in my kitchen (wife is not to happy about this).

Since the space i have is limited and i like the foot print of the 40B i decided to go with the DB 57 Rimless Edge. So for the last few months i have been buying and selling equipment to get everything i wanted to set up the new tank (taking my time this time around). Im finally at the point where everything has been ready for weeks now just need the time to put it all together.

Equpiment list

1. Deep Blue 57g Edge Rimless Non Reef Ready
2. Elite Aquatics Ghost Overflow
3. ATI 6x39w Dimmable Sunpower (Coral Plus x2, Blue plus x3, Actinic X1)
a. SB reef lights 36" Actinic Sbar
4. ReefKeeper lite with extras (Really want Apex but dont we all)
5. MP10 WQD x 2
6. 30" Custom King Sump
7. Aquamaxx ConeS Co-1
8. Avast Marine Spyglass
9. BRS 1.1ml Doser x2
10. Fluval Sea Sp-2 (Heart of the tank)

Live Stock and Stuff..

1. 40lbs Dry Rock Mixed (Reef Cleaners & BRS Reef Saver)
2. CaribSea Fiji Pink sand
3. Wyoming White and Frostbite Clownish
4. Every thing in the frag tank eventually and more!

I don't have much to show right now everything is basically in boxes or sitting in the tank in my living room. I will up date with pic and more info as i progress further along in the build. First step is to get this tank drilled, don't think my landlord is gonna be happy about me drilling a 1/2" tank in the apartment but oh well.

Sweet! I'll be following along intently. Planning to do the same thing with the non RR DB 57 rimless as well with a Synergy Reef Shadow overflow.
Also, quick question about drilling for that particular tank. On the Deep Blue website, it states that the 3 viewing panels... the front and two side panels are tempered, whereas the bottom and rear panels are not. It it clearly labeled on the tank, which panel is the rear non tempered back panel? Thanks!
Hey LQT if i am looking at the right info the only panel that is tempered is the front Opti pure panel. I pulled this right from DB website. Hope that answers your question.


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Hmm thats strange. On the tank itself the only location with the tempered glass sticker is the front on my tank. Either way this would only effect you if your looking to maybe do a peninsula style tank. Im gonna hopefully try free up sometime this weekend to hopefully drill the tank.
Got some free time today was able to drill the tank!!!!

Final product got the over flow installed and return loc-line (might shorten the loc-line a bit). Since im doing this all in my apartment and cant spray paint i tried out some black vinyl wrap for the back of the tank. Next step i need to make some changes to the conduit i used to hang the light. I have 1/2" conduit that i had bent to hang my ReefBreeders Photon 24 and it worked great but when i switched to the ATI fixture i really doesnt support the weight well.

Oh here is my clown duo that will be going into the new tank. Wyoming White and Frostbite clowns! Not sure about the Frostbite but thats what it was sold to me as.

any updates on this? Pros/cons?
Looking to do the same tank and build but cannot find the tank anywhere to ship. Any info would be appreciated.

Replaced the 1/2" conduit i had for the leds to 3/4" to support the wieght of the ATI fixture and it worked great no bending of the conduit at all just need to paint them black!!

any updates on this? Pros/cons?
Looking to do the same tank and build but cannot find the tank anywhere to ship. Any info would be appreciated.


So far i dont see any cons. The ghost over flow went in smooth enough and i like it much better the bulky overflow that come with the reef ready 57g. I ordered mine for my lfs he was able to get it for me in a week. Where do you live Jcs? Im taking my time to make sure i get this build the way i want it so i dont think it will be wet for alil while.
Replaced the 1/2" conduit i had for the leds to 3/4" to support the wieght of the ATI fixture and it worked great no bending of the conduit at all just need to paint them black!!

I love this! I did something similar for my Kessil, but I bought some parts from 80/20 to create a sleek bar that extends over my 40 Breeder. I like the way this conduit looks! How did you bend them?
Hey thanks! I bent them with a pipe bender in home depot. I actually did it right in the electical isle at the store lol.