Dead P3


Premium Member
Well, I attempted to install Firmware 5.0.5 and my P3 CRASHED !

In the middle of the download, it crashed.

It checked the file, erased old flash and crashed.

Profilux unit still shows Download in Progress...

Now what ?
I was able to pull power on the P3, pray, count to 10, pray again, and plug back in.. Unit appears to have to really 'eraased' anything and is back to running on 5.0.4.

Ive done Firmware upgrades before with no issues, not shure what is happeing with 5.0.5
Success on the 5.0.5 Firmware Upgrade, however inspite of the fact that I saved off my calibration data - I am not able to restore those values.

Yes - Firmware Version 5.0.5 does reset: Pump Groups, Reminders, and Maintenance settings. As well as it puts the calibration information for all probes back to factory.

I tried reading the previous 'settings' file and could not find anything/setting containing these calibration values.... Opps
in the release notes of 5.05 it does state to save all settings. if the Vortech has been lost just go back into the PAB set up and re-asssign it. :)
Release Notes ? - I couldnt find any on Reef Central, nor on factory site. I found the Firmware Revision History file but no release notes. I would have thought that Release Notes would have been zipped up with the firmware file but didnt find there either.

I was able to get the VorTech working again. Controller knew all about it, but since I had it assigned to Current Pump 3 and the firmware upgrade wipes out Pump groups... The state of that outlet was 'off', reassigned to pump group and set 'perm-on' and it works.

As for settings... I did save off sensor data as well as settings. Oh wait...
I didnt realize that the file 'Sensor Data' also saved off the Calibration settings, i was under the impression that it was only saving measurment data.

So after the firmware upgrade, one must restore BOTH Sensor Data and Settings... Okay.

I was also able to set this Current Pump 3 to go 'off' when feeding pause is on, will there ever be a way to have it not go completly off and turn at some user defined speed? I know i could set that up using the Vortech under profilux control, but then I've got to specify what time of day to feed... Dont want to be forced into exact feeding times.