Dead Palys?

Bongo Shrimp

P. ceratophthalma
I just got this frag of palys after a 2-day shipping. They don't look too happy so I dipped them in iodine. While I was rinsing them off, I noticed some white "puss" coming out of a couple of them. You can see in the pic that they are apparently filled with this "puss".

Think they will make it?

I talked to some other people who said that they could recover in a week or so and I should dip with coral Rx too.

If anyone else has any ideas feel free to share.
I had the same thing happen to my Star Treks. It took about 3 weeks for them to recover. I placed them in a low flow area. Good luck :)
ive had something looking like that come back before. but only one head lived, now theres nore than i started with, so all worked out.
my intergalactics done that before, I've dipped them on 10% peroxide with 90% saltwater, a couple weeks later opened up.
Try not to stress them to much by dipping them many times. Maybe some lower light with gently flow? William