December 2003 Tank of the month

Congrats Mike! You deserve this!

I don't see any caulerpa in the main tank. Did the vlamingi wipe it all out?

I was hoping to see a pic of "evil kneivel" doing the fish cannonball! I will never forget that!

You are one dedicated dude!
Thanks folks.
Yep Chewie after a 4 year battle with razor calurpa the vlamingii wiped it ALL out in two day...God I love that fish, lol
Evil is still up and doing his dare devil tricks. That fish just has the need for speed, hehehe

Mike, congrats! Your tank is stunning, I wonder if you had more fun building it than you have watching it!?!?! ;) A well deserved recognition for a real class act in this obsession of ours!!

Patrick Kelly
Pat you know me bud, the building was a real fun ride. If I remember you were in thier helping to.

Tes I will take a peek.

Tes the permeate pump just recycles the brine water back through the ro membrane over again instead of dumping it right away. So the water is used twice to 3 times. If you have bad water to begin with this might result i having to change the ro quicker, but from what I have witnessed in using it for about 3 years is that the ro membrane isnt taking a large hit from my tap water. My end product is 0 tds and I get about a 1 to 1 ratio on waste to finished product.

Hello Mike,
As all the others have said, an amazing tank and setup. Would you happen know of any links/resources that I could look at to help design a good closed loop system, I am planning to have a new tank drilled and am not sure of some of the design considerations you need think about when setting up such a system.

thanks in advance,
Jmurg here is a drawing of mine, now mine has a Motorized ball valve on it but just delete that part and it should be good for you.


cutview, mine goes through an overflow but your could just go through the back wall.

and here is as it looks


Your system is remarkable.
Truly unbelievable.
It appears you use the most up to date technology and equipment to the optimum.

I wish your system the best of luck as you deserve all the reward you can get from this hobby as you certainly have made a lifetime of effort.
