December 2015, Reefer of the Month (ROTM----jason2459!!


Ancient Eskimo Legend
Staff member
RC Mod
Thank you for the recognition! I've never considered myself more then just "New to the Hobby" where I have kept up posting to my tank journal thread I started back in 2009. So, to be selected as a ROTM to me is a great honor.

My interests in aquariums and saltwater tanks started way before I ever had a glass box. I grew up in the Florida Keys going out on the water just about every day for over 20 years. My favorite things to do were sailing, windsurfing, and lobstering by hand. Well, I went lobstering with a net and a tickle stick. I preferred snorkeling over diving with scuba gear for them since we went out so often it was just easier to get out and spend the entire day in the water and not have to haul all that gear around.

I can thank my grandfather for all those wonderful years. We would do things like strap up our mask and snorkel to the board and windsurf out to spots to pickup lobsters to bring home and eat. We would often find all kinds of junk on the bottom of the ocean like a little 5hp motor we brought back and fixed up. Then would attach that to the back of a canoe to go out lobstering with at times. It was all about that delicious lobster. When it wasn't lobster season we were out looking for spots for the next year or just enjoying everything the ocean had for us.

I learned a lot about the ocean and its inhabitants by observation and interaction. It became a great interest of mine too and probably took enough marine biology courses to get a degree in it. Which down in South Florida those courses were a blast as it was full of hands on in and around the ocean, bay side, and everglades. Lots of diving, canoeing, and kayaking. It just never became more then a hobby interest of mine though.

Eventually I settled down in the Midwest and started a family and career. My wife talked me into buying my sister-in-law's fish tank in 2007 knowing how much I loved being out on the water and swimming around the reefs. This was a 55g tank and about 6 years ago I upgraded to my current 180g mixed reef tank. During that time I also started up a 20g long mantis tank. My interests has always been around having a mixed reef and will probably never have a tank of the month and don't really strive for one. I've had many ups and downs and it has been those down times I've learned the most. I can't thank everyone on Reef Central enough for all the help I've gotten over the years.

Congratulations, Jason!!

Description of RC ROTM:

In appreciation and honor of the members that regularly contribute to our discussion forums, we would like to acknowledge a Reefer each month that stands out as exceptional for their outstanding service to others. This person will be selected by the Reef Central Staff, based on their willingness to help others in response to questions, giving advice, and overall disposition. The honoree will be given the Reef Central ROTM tag, that will appear above their avatar and will follow them for one year after being awarded. This will not only demonstrate to others that you have been chosen as a trustworthy source of information, but also as a positive role model for others to emulate. Additionally, we are pleased to upgrade your membership to "premium" for one year and you will be entered in a raffle along with the other recipients each year to win a special prize to be determined.

We look forward to honoring one person, each month, by highlighting them on the Reef Central homepage. This will include a recent photograph of yourself, or your avatar if you prefer not to show your actual face, along with what you love about the hobby of reef keeping and why you have chosen Reef Central to be your home. Each month the face and paragraph of the ROTM will change, but you can forever hold the honor of knowing that you were one of the chosen few to have earned this title and our respect as a member in great standing.

Best Regards,

The RC Staff
Thanks and Thanks! Not something I ever expected to be nominated for. I just really love this hobby and reefcentral has been a huge help and resource for me. Heck, I'm still messing up and learning. :wildone:
Thanks and thanks. Didn't realize until now there's multiple threads. Thought they all linked to the same one.
Thank you everyone and thank you Reef Central for having me as ROTM to finish off the year! I'm looking forward to seeing who 2016's first ROTM will be.