December Meeting - Holiday Celebration


New member
We have decided to not have a meeting in November, so the next meeting is tentatively set for Sunday, December 5th at the Coral Reef in El Paso, TX!

We will have a potluck as well as a "white elephant" gift exchange. Let's get the ideas for this meeting going early! Any suggestions are welcome as always :)
Preferably frags, but you can bring a fish related item. I'm glad you guys remember the items that we discussed and decided were unacceptable. Toilet seats, dead fish or corals, etc :)
crap i can't make it that weekend. i just found out i am going on a company trip that weekend. bummer.
Yeah right. You know you can always call in sick! LOL

Well, I am not going to be posting hardly these next coming weeks. I am up to my eyeballs in school work right now and its consuming all of my time right now. :furious:

But, I will be bringing some frags, fish equip, and stuff for the meeting. Also for the pot luck, I think my wife and I are either bringing a turkey (fried) or a pork loin roast. Not sure which one yet. That's it for now. I will do my best to chime in from time to time.
Yeah right. You know you can always call in sick! LOL

Well, I am not going to be posting hardly these next coming weeks. I am up to my eyeballs in school work right now and its consuming all of my time right now. :furious:

But, I will be bringing some frags, fish equip, and stuff for the meeting. Also for the pot luck, I think my wife and I are either bringing a turkey (fried) or a pork loin roast. Not sure which one yet. That's it for now. I will do my best to chime in from time to time.
deehz - know the feeling!! I peek in here as much as I can. When I take a break the urge to continue to research this hobby and post on RC is hard to resist!! :eek: Good luck to you!

Ok I was thinking about the white elephant gift exchange. How is that going to come about? I am new to this, are we going to put all of the frags in one box? There should be some ticket system and all of the corals put in one container/box then as tickets are pulled then they get a frag. now to keep people from choosing the nicer ones first there should also be a separate number draw for the frag. After the drawings are done if you are not happy with your frag then you are free to exchange with any other club member. How does that sound?

That means everybody must bring atleast one frag, fish, or coral supplement to the meeting for the white elephant exchange.

Also any other predetermined frag trades will go on as usual.

Anybody that has anything to add feel free to speak your mind
Ok so im new here and I want to go to the dec. meeting but need more info. I see u guys mention something about a white elephant lol toilet paper what is that? I know it going to be at coral reef but what time and what im I suppose to bring no no cooking lol. More like a dessert, cokes...........
ill have some frags for sure, even sps but you better speak up if you dont think you got the lighting or flow to keep it. also green hairy mushrooms i just fragged should be nice by then, hmmm what else?
the white elephant is just a gift exchange to make the meeting more tolerable (the officers can really be boring). Each member that wants to participate will bring a gift that is reef related to be exchanged.

if you want to bring extra frags to swap with other members that is also encouraged. it is also acceptable to take a frag to all the officers house as payment to be in this club.

if you would like to bring anything for the meeting like cupcakes, cake, sodas, beer, enchiladas etc etc. just make sure you say so on this thread so that the organizers/participants can get an idea of what is going to show up, and we don't get a bunch of duplicates.

any other questions?

meetings are just a time for us to get together and BS about our setups. Very little actual business is needed to run the club, but we tend to talk a lot about it.

so just show up and have a good time.
Very little actual business is needed to run the club, it's a good thing that this is the case because we have no $$$ to do any business.:wave:

Well, they usually begin at 2pm or 3pm, depending on the preference of the host. Maybe a little earlier and closer to lunch time since this is an actual potluck, just a suggestion. Daniel of the Coral Reef will need to have the final say on the time.

I can bring brown paper bags (been collecting them after my wine purchases, hee hee) so that the gifts will be surprise and ppl will not have time to pick the better ones.

As for toilet paper or toilet seats, those are just examples of what some ppl have brought to similar white elephant exchanges. Some require that you bring a used item such as a used toilet seat lol or where I work we have a $1 limit. My favorite $1 gift was the bumper sticker that one of my male co-workers ended up with that said "Grow you own dope, plant a man" :lmao: