December Meeting - Holiday Celebration

Ok so we have established that the meeting is going to be on Sunday, December 5th at 12:30 at the Coral Reef in El Paso, TX.

We have also established that we are going to have a saltwater fish related gift exchange.

Now what about the potluck? Nojbody has established what they are going to bring to the meeting. Are we going to come up with a list or are we just going to hope everybody brings something and hope its not duplicated?

Lets get some ideas going on how we want this to come about.
+1 for Eric to be the official "STARS Potluck Planner". I can bring cups and plates left over from the snack bar. I will also bring a side dish, such as potatoe salad or something depending on the main dishes that ppl sign up to bring. I can start putting a list together as ppl start posting what they plan to bring.


I will be starting a new thread with a pot luck list, this will also give us an idea of who is attending.
Everyone that can, please bring a frag of anything and we will have door prize drawings. Please bring these along with the frag or saltwater related gift for the white elephant game. I think this should turn out to be a really fun and enjoyable meeting for all that attend. Lets all not forget to go to the other thread and say on the pot luck list what we are bringing. :wave: