The kit lens is fine for everyday shots. It will produce pics as better than most point and shoot cameras. But its not a great lens by any means. If you are looking for a lens that will give you spectacular shots that you can publish or sell, then you'll have to look for a different lens. But if you ust want a lens that will give you good shots of your family and friends for your photo albums, then the kit lens will do the job.
As for a tank lens to take macros, the most popular is the canon 100 macro that is mentioned above. Sigma and Tamron also make very sharp ones as well. I use the Sigma 105 Macro DX and its very nice. Only problen with it for tank shots is that its not internal focusing, so when you fcus on your tank, the lens extends which may be a problem if you have it right up to the glass. I dont really take tank pics, so no problem for me.