Decided to upgrade to 220g tank!


New member
After reading many posts about bigger tanks and seeing pictures of amazing tanks, I've decided to upgrade my 110g to a 220! Why 220? it's the biggest tank I can get into my basement the easiest. After reading countless posts about the planning that went into many of these tanks it inspired me to think about what I wanted to use and how I would set up the tank. I would like a 220g w/ Eurobraces or a tank with no center brace. My 110 has a center brace that is a PIA to work around. my list so far is: 220g glass tank(I'm undecided on manufacturer), dart return pump(I have this from my 110 so might as well use it), 2 mp40's(more to come if needed), my RKE, a SRO cone skimmer, t5's w/icecap ballasts, sump w/ fuge(not sure what size I should go with) and maybe a chiller. I don't think I'll need a chiller since it will be in the basement. Am I missing anything? oh:idea:....some heaters.DUH...... I will also have a sand bed using a mix of fine sand(fiji pink) and caribsea sea floor special grade reef sand. All I have to do now is upgrade the electrical in my house for this new tank first!:mad2: I have an extra dart pump that I could use for a CL system. I'm undecided about that though.
I recently drew up plans on a ~224gallon (72x30x24). If you take a look at my page I started Suggestions on tank design, you can see a diagram of my tank that I'm waiting to see If the manufacture will build. Manufactures have limits on size when it comes to eurobracing. But, you can always order a ELOS tank if money is no object.
Anyway download google sketchup it is easy to use.

The planning sounds good. Plan for GFI as least 20amp designated for aquarium use only. Maybe even two 20amp circuits.
I figured at least one but I guess two breakers would be better. What is everyone using to add calcium and alk in big tanks? I was thinking about getting a calcium reactor.
How is everyone with a tank in a basement dealing with the humidity? I don't have room from what I see to add an exhaust fan. I'm sure I could if I get creative. I plan on finishing the basement first, so should I use the green sheet rock(the type used in bathrooms) behind the tank? I do have a dehumidifier that I could use but I don't want that thing running forever.