After reading many posts about bigger tanks and seeing pictures of amazing tanks, I've decided to upgrade my 110g to a 220! Why 220? it's the biggest tank I can get into my basement the easiest. After reading countless posts about the planning that went into many of these tanks it inspired me to think about what I wanted to use and how I would set up the tank. I would like a 220g w/ Eurobraces or a tank with no center brace. My 110 has a center brace that is a PIA to work around. my list so far is: 220g glass tank(I'm undecided on manufacturer), dart return pump(I have this from my 110 so might as well use it), 2 mp40's(more to come if needed), my RKE, a SRO cone skimmer, t5's w/icecap ballasts, sump w/ fuge(not sure what size I should go with) and maybe a chiller. I don't think I'll need a chiller since it will be in the basement. Am I missing anything? oh:idea:....some heaters.DUH...... I will also have a sand bed using a mix of fine sand(fiji pink) and caribsea sea floor special grade reef sand. All I have to do now is upgrade the electrical in my house for this new tank first!:mad2: I have an extra dart pump that I could use for a CL system. I'm undecided about that though.