I agree with Shawn, it is worth the extra money for the controllability, though in all honesty the 6085 is more durable than the 6105 because it is simpler and has no electronics that can fail. I could easily see a 6085 lasting a decade with just new propellers every few years but the 6105 will likely last 5 years and may need a new transformer after a few. Durability isn't the issue, but the lack of control and ability to set flow patterns limits how useful they are. The fixed flow pumps like 6065, 6085, 6125 are intended more for fish only and FOWLR tanks as well as African Cichlid tanks, they can also be used to target flow in certain areas and may work in a reef in conjunction with a wavebox or other source of flow that will stir up detritus, any time the flow pattern is too constant, the detritus finds dead spots and spots where the flow is somewhat cyclonic to accumulate in. The only way to avoid this is by having flow you can change up.