deciding on what powerheads to use


I just purchased a 48x30x20 tank and its going to be a peninsula style layout. I plan on it being sps dominated. What powerheads would be best for my tank? TIA:D
I would go with 2 6105 and place one on each side, you could partially hide the one on the far side with a Stream Rock. Alternatively I would use a 6215 Wavebox and a 6105 on one side.
That is not enough for a SPS dominated tank. Iwould get 2 6105's on a controller.

If cost is your concern let me share this with you. I have had just about every skimmer out there, return pumps, and powerheads as well. I bought lower end stuff that didn't perform like I expected so I replaced it with something better, and when that failed or broke I replaced it with something better...

As for the powerheads. If it's out there and puts out more than 1200 gph I have had it. It broke or was faulty or found to be too loud along my path which led me to Tunze. Read around on RC about people having their 6100's for several years and they are still running and putting out awsome flow.

The way I looked at it was whatever I invest in Tunze powerheads is money saved since I won't have to buy another powerhead again.
My opinion would be numbers wise the 6085s will move plenty of water. If you buy the 6105s you will likely either dial them back or use the smaller voltage jumper which would put max flow out of them in the same ballpark. But the problem you will likely run into with the 6085s is with them being not able to be ramped up and down combined with your the size of your tank you will likely have problems kicking up and moving your sandbed if placed one on each side.

The 6105s really would be the best in my opinion for your tank IMO (you can buy the pumps now and a controller later, or even buy one pump now and as the tank fills add the second).

Roger might have an opnion on the 6085 option tomorrow too. With the depth of your tank he might think they would work but 6065s or 1 of each might be the better non controllable option than 2 6085s.
I agree with Shawn, it is worth the extra money for the controllability, though in all honesty the 6085 is more durable than the 6105 because it is simpler and has no electronics that can fail. I could easily see a 6085 lasting a decade with just new propellers every few years but the 6105 will likely last 5 years and may need a new transformer after a few. Durability isn't the issue, but the lack of control and ability to set flow patterns limits how useful they are. The fixed flow pumps like 6065, 6085, 6125 are intended more for fish only and FOWLR tanks as well as African Cichlid tanks, they can also be used to target flow in certain areas and may work in a reef in conjunction with a wavebox or other source of flow that will stir up detritus, any time the flow pattern is too constant, the detritus finds dead spots and spots where the flow is somewhat cyclonic to accumulate in. The only way to avoid this is by having flow you can change up.