Dedicated selling forum for SoCal

Dedicated selling forum for SoCal

  • Yes, we need our own local selling forum

    Votes: 38 67.9%
  • No, we need our own local selling forum

    Votes: 7 12.5%
  • I could care less!

    Votes: 11 19.6%

  • Total voters


New member
How many SoCal RC members would support a separate forum or sub-forum specific to just selling, buying, and trading? With the volume of these types of threads in the Southern California Reefers forum many believe that a dedicated selling area for SoCal could free up this forum for more reef related information, while not having local selling/trading lost in the huge sellers forum.

This forum has often hung by a thread since RC really doesn't want to support a club thread with selling activity. I personally believe it could be in our best interest to have a separate forum just for SoCal selling.
IMO, The problem isn't so much all the selling its the guys that come here for just that reason. They register, do their time and then sell, sell, sell, I think you've ran into a few of these guys.

I don't have a problem with people, once in a while selling stuff. Its the guy who's here just for that reason, or the guy who starts 3-10 threads in a week that always start out like this "LOOKING FOR Blah Blah Blah" These guys need to be spotted and reported to the mods.

I don't think RC is going to give So Cal its own selling forum, beside we already have the Recycler. I think you'll find you can get more for you money selling and buying at the Recycler then you can here.

Just scrool down and look at the first item you see for sale, the first thing I see is a Camera. :lol:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6831395#post6831395 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Project Reef
Yes we do, No we do?
Ooops, copy and paste did my wrong this time :lol:

From what I've heard from some of the Mods is that they don't want to constantly monitor this forum for deadbeat selling activity when the selling/trading forums are already set up for that. By contantly reporting these oportunistic sellers just adds to the RC's argument that this forum has gone beyond it's focus and needs to b eshut down.

It's a double edge sword. I like many others want to keep this forum alive while still having the chance to get good deals from other locals. IMO a dedicated SoCal sellers forum could give us both and get the spam sellers off of this forum.
i would like to see this dedicated SOcal seller's forum because it works out for ME....

the problem i see behind that is that it does NOT work out for THEM, people outside of socal should still see what we have to sell. thats why the buy sell forum has you post where you are located and your status with regards to shipping. (not all people do that tho). furthermore, it would seem that RC resources are limited ( mods to check and bandwidth [thats the only reason i paid dues - to use that damn search option])

i would assume that people will come up with an arguement against the extra bandwidth because we already have posters trying to sell, and we are just moving them to a different forum, but the mods would have to do that, extra work on them. AND this kind of policy/ exception can not be allowed on a wide scale basis from the way i see it..... (tragedy of the commons anyone?)

now if you disagree, please take a number and be gentle with your flames

We have a selling forum -- people just cross-post here and there. So they would post in 3 forums instead of 2.

I doubt the mods mind the selling as much as the flame wars and garbage threads that pop up on a regular basis.
i think that is a great idea. i would definitely make it easier to find local things for sale without crowding this forum or having to search through the selling forum for something near by. just my opinion
just start a thread for so cal sales only in this forum. ask to make it a sticky and your set. i think the only prob with this idea is there is allot of us that kill the threads with irrelavent post that have nothing to do with the topic. just a suggestion though.