Deep Blue 57 Edge ATI Acro Garden

Eric it’s all good! :)

#SlowestBuildEver indeed! :D My mind has been focused on my upcoming trip to New Orleans for Jazz Fest. Although I’m pretty bummed that The Rolling Stones just cancelled their appearance at the festival cuz Mick Jagger is all banged up. It’s crazy that it’s Mick and not not Keith that’s having health issues. That and I’m trying to get my little fishing boat prepped for the season before I go to NOLA so it’s ready for some hardcore fishing when I get back.

Hopefully I can have her filled and going through the cycle before I leave.
Leak testing with fresh water was a complete success. The plumbing is fully sealed... no leaks! I have to say, I am very impressed with the Modular Marine ghost overflow. Even though I’m not running her to her full Beananimal potential because of sump space limitations, it is performing spectacularly running as a Herbie. It’s fully dialed in and dead silent. The only noise is a slight tricking noise in the sock compartment of the Trigger Sapphire 26 sump. The overflow itself as well as the plumbing going into the sump is not producing any noise whatsoever! :)

The tank is now placed in its spot and leveled with cedar shims. I’m waiting on a couple of white end tables, one to go over the the ATO container and hold my Watson Marlow peristaltic pump on its shelf and CaRx set up on top and the other to elevate my chiller so it can exhaust out the window. Hopefully I’ll get her filled with saltwater and have the rock work placed this weekend.



Thanks! This has been thought out, planned and procrastinated over the last two years. So I’ve gone through a bunch of mental gymnastics to try to get everything as close to right as possible! :)
Calcium reactor station is complete! Originally, I wanted to put the ATO reservoir below the table, however a support ridge beheath the shelf doesn’t allow for enough clearance. It ended up being a blessing in disguise as upon further thought, if I put the CaRx on top of the table, unwanted nuisance algae will grow in the reactor due to light spill from the tank. So my GEO 612 now rests beneath the table in a DIY acrylic tray that will also hold a leak detector sensor in case the CaRx springs a leak. My Watson Marlow 505u variable speed peristaltic pump fits like a glove on the shelf. The secondary effluent chamber will go inside of the stand. Plus, my DIY dual stage regulator is definitely sexy enough to be displayed atop the stand! :D
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Chiller stand complete! Just wanted to elevate the chiller a bit so that it could exhaust excess heat out the window. Gonna grab one of those window fans to exhaust the air out.

And here's a look at how the tank and its various support systems are laid out in the room.

I love it. Really great looking setup and structure. Nice to have everything separated and cleanly split up like that, each thing with its own home. Now... just to get some water in it... :D
Now the one thing I'm contemplating is whether or not to run the ATS on this system. My options are to go bare bottom and skimmer only or go sandbed, skimmer and ATS. Right now I'm leaning toward the former as this tank is relatively small and I fear by running the ATS, I will strip the water of nutrients, as this ATS is quite efficient. Also, by going bare bottom, I could really maximize the flow with the 2 MP40s. Decisions, decisions... :confused:
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I like it a lot. It’s built like a tank with 1/2” glass and a low iron front panel. I got it for pretty short money too at $325, ordered from my LFS for the non reef ready version.
For the ATS, I'd only really run it through the cycle, and then take it offline once you don't have to worry about nuisance algae as much anymore. I have a chaeto reactor that has now been off a number of months, and my corals are (somewhat) happier for it. Nutrients are stable at 5-7ppm nitrate, and no algae anywhere.

I also really like sand beds, both for the aesthetic look (though mine is green, and I've had annoying algae on my sandbed forever), as well as a back-up natural buffer for calcium and alkalinity.
That was my concern... when you had mentioned that your chaeto reactor lowered your nutrients too much. I do like the idea of running it initially for the cycle. The other option is to run it at very reduced lighting hours. Gives me some food for thought.
She's filled! A fellow Reefer made me some MP40QD extension cables so the dryside wires + extensions can reach my controller cabinet. It's a wonderfully simple plug and play solution.


Unfortunately though, one of my MP40QD wetsides had a hairline crack in the plastic and a swelled magnet. :( Knew it was sketchy when I turned on the pump and the wetside flew off the glass. Upon further inspection the prop was very stiff and almost stuck to the shaft because of the slight magnet swelling. See the 3 hairline cracks? New wetside should be here by Friday.


Slowly adding more salt until I hit 1.025, currently at 1.022. Once it gets there, I'll add my cured Pukani.

Were the Vortech pumps new?!

Thanks for the update. Man, the swelling/rusted magnet thing is scary! I hope your pumps weren't new and this happened that quickly...
No, it’s s couple of years old and put in storage for awhile. Still annoying though.