Hey there gasman, my idea is similar to what you are running. I am still in the planning phase of that so I will have to figure out how I will do this once I get the sump in.
If you wouldn't mind, I would like to see your setup one day being that we are close to each other.
It will hold.....I did alot of research before building my stand for the 75g, and in general 2x4 and 2x6 stands are really overkill as far as strength goes.
It has been a while since I updated the post but I have been working so much on this tank I was to tired to update the post.
So since my last post I have built a retractable retro fit VHO lighting system, re-enginered an acrylic sump, and finished my wiring. Oh yeah, I got my fish tank.
Ok so the this picture is my retractable lighting system. What I mean by retractable is I can move it up and down with one finger. This will give me the room to work inside the tank when needed. The four black things on top are what allows me to move the lights. The tension if full adjustable.
This is a picture of my sump. I bought this from another forum member and it was 24" deep and the sections were not divided the way I wanted. So I took it apart and changed it to be 16" wide, added bubble traps and another section. So now the water will flow down (dirty section), go through a refuge, then to the return section.
This picture is just showing my electrical work cleaned up and finished.
And last, my tank waiting to get setup on the stand. This tank is beautiful. If I ever get another tank I will be looking for Felix and Reef Savvy to do the job with out a second thought.
So I am looking to get the tank in today. I will update when I am done.
Thats impressive and the tank is really nice! I have a question where did you find those 4 black things that you are using to make your fixture retractable, because I'm trying to make my lighting system retractable as well.
With the help of a bunch of friends I have my tank in place. It isn't clean yet but it soon will be.
Here is a picture from both the front and the back.
In the front I still have finishing work to do such as the frame that will go around the tank.
Real nice tank, very impressive skills, the only thing I would have done differently is that I would have find a way to leave the back and side glass clear and either paint them later or better off use some kind of black plastic or acrylic cover that could be remove.
The reason for this is that it is going to be extremely hard to work on your tank that high and not be able to see anything except from the top.
Yeah that is something I though about also. But in reality, I need to use a step stool to get into the tank anyway to I will be looking from the top down already. I don't think it will be a huge issue.
If it becomes a huge issue then I will remove the vinyl that is on the sides and back and replace that with removable acrylic somehow.
Something about a 300 gallon tank I love so much. Maybe its the ability to house the sohal, achilles or naso. Anyhow nice looking tank GL with your build.
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