Well I have beed extremely busy trying to complete this project. I had some time today to take pictures of my progress. I will be getting water delivered tomorrow so I needed to be done with the plumbing today.
This picture shows the entire back part of my project.
On the left is my water station. Top barrel is for RO\DI and will be used for auto top off.
Bottom barrel is for mixing salt water.
THis is a closer view of my water station. When I need salt water I turn the op valve on to let the water flow to the bottom tank. Once the bottom tank is full I close the top valve and add salt to the tank. I then open the valves in the middle and in the bottom. This will give me a closed loop and let the water and salt mix. When I am ready to do the water change I will close the middle valve and open the top right valve which leads into the tank. That will be my semi-automatic water change.
My Reeflo Dart
This is a close up of the second part to my semi-automatic top off. When I do the water change all equipment will be off. This valve will let out any water which is above the power off water level. I haven't adjusted it yet because I do not have water. I will be adding a hose which will lead down my driveway. The other pump is for my skimmer.
A different angle of the system.
This is the frame which will go around the tank on the front side. I cut it and stained it a chocolate brown. I think it came out really nice.
Well that is it for now. Tomorrow I get the water.