Deep Water Zoa?


New member
I was just reading a thread and came across deep water zoa. I didnt want to hijack that post so I will just start a new one.

So is there a lot of Deep water Zoa?

Any special care besides not so high up in the water column?


You could find zoas down to 30feet (maybe more?) in some places. Most of the same species found in deeper waters can be found in shallow waters as well. Zoas do much better with relatively strong illumination and water movement when in the aquarium.

The so called deep water zoas are normally more expensive because of the title, and that could be a commercial strategy. Beware!

I don't know of any species that are found ONLY in deeper waters. Let me know if you find any reliable info that proofs that I'm mistaken.
Hey, don't forget that you could keep zoas with NO fluorescent tubes if you needed / wanted to. Then they would "turn" to "deep water zoas" in couple of months.

Bottom line: zoas adapt to the light source offered in the tank.

Something to think about...

Yes. Their adaptation includes more or less pigments and amount of zooxanthellae in their tissue.

One can place 2 frags of same species in the aquarium collected from same colony and they will show different colors with only few inches deeper (say about 10") under artificial lighting. Depends on the type of light, water quality and so on.

the so called " deepwaters"





Mine are all at the bottom or close to in my 170g tank, 20-26" down