dejardini or emperor?


New member
i have a 90 gal with a radiata lion a blue throat trigger and a snowflake eel and would like to add a forth fish and was looking at emperor angles and dejardini tangs and was wondering which would be the best fit for my tank
In a 90, you wouldn't want to keep either fish for long. They both get large and need room. As juveniles, they might be okay for awhile, but you'd need a larger tank to keep them beyond that.
really i have heard that dejardini take a long time to grow really large and i have heard that the emperors don't get that big to where it would be a problem
dejardini tang actually grows pretty fast and really need atleast a 6' tank. If you get a small Juv. Emperor you could have it for a while but eventually it will need a 6' tank.
wow i have never heard that dejardinis grow that fast the local fish store has one in a 180 gal and she has had it for 10 years and it is still 7 inches so maybe it is growth stunt because it doesn't have that much room to swim
The only way the fish is that size is it it was never feed. 7" in 180 for 10 years just isn't right as the fish should be alot larger. I guess the only question is how are you measuring it as Dejardins aren't long like an angel or other tangs but high and kinda roundish.

Check out this link on tangs, you'll find the Dejardins listed
from the tip of it's head to the tip of it's tail it is 7 inches and again it is in with a hammer coral that takes up 75% of the tank so it has very limited on where it can swim.
yeah, both of those fish get waaaay too big for a 90 gallon! why don't you get yourself a dwarf angelfish! flame angels are awesome looking and they stay small!
I would do a tang that stays small or a dwarf angel but then you have to worry about the lion.

The emperor needs at least a 150g tank. I purchased one several years ago that was hand size juv/adult marking & in 2 years he was 10 inches in a overcrowded 150g.
My red sea sailfin went from 5" to 7" in 1 year... and got about a half of an inch thicker. Even though it is only 2 inches, he more than doubled in weight.