Delivery Date


New member
I am planning on ordering live rock from you but have a question. On the shipping page it gives you the option of choosing the shipping method and it gives you a date to choose. This date is the date that the order will arrive, correct? I only have fridays available to receive a shipment so I wanna be sure that this is in fact the day I will receive the shipment. Thanks.
Hi Nas19320,

Thanks for your inquiry. This question is directly more towards MarineDepotLive (, but I will try and answer to the best of my abilities.

The date that you select is indeed the delivery date. If you are planning for a Friday morning delivery, make sure to place your order with MarineDepotLive earlier during the week (Monday or Tuesday) so that they can make sure the rock is available for you.

If you need the rock delivered in the mornings, it will need be shipping FedEx Priority Overnight Service (which is a few dollars more expensive than the standard overnight service and guarantees delivery by 10AM to most areas). Standard Overnight Service guarantees delivery by Noon to most zip codes, 2nd Day service is by the end of the day. Just send MDLive an email and they should be able to give you all the details.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions.

Marine Depot Customer Service