Deltec SC 1660 (AC pump) or Vertex Alpha 170/200


Hey Guys. Aquarium on order and trying to finish buying the equipment.

I'm now at the Skimmer stage :). I've narrowed down my choices to the following three. Tank is the Reefer 750 XXL. 160 gal. display and 40 gal. sump. I'm looking at a medium to heavy Bio-Load when it's all said and done.

Deltec SC 1660 with AC pump
Vertex Alpha 170
Vertex Alpha 200

All three are around the same price range. I added the Vertex Alpha 170 as some of the posts I'm reading suggest that the Vertex Alpha line are very underrated and bigger is not always better with their skimmers.

I have a vertex omega 130 N it's the best skimmer I've ever owned. I'd say go with one of the vertex s

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