Dendronepnthya feeding

Congratulations on your landmark study of Goniopora husbandry.

I have been researching Dendro husbandry for a few years now, with a 450 gallon multitank setup and other experimental setups. I currently have one specimen at seven months that is doing well.

My unconfirmed impression is that heavy feedings is the missing factor in their care; and it appears that mine is benefiting from target feedings of Golden Pearls (5-50 micron quoted size) and DT's new phyto product (which is darker). Oyster eggs in heavy concentrations seem to be less well tolerated, at least in heavy concentrations.

I was wondering if you have tried to keep Dendros in the same tank with this feeding regimen? If not, I hope I can convince you to join the effort to keep these wonderful animals.

Charles Matthews
Hi Charles,
SOrry I took so long to respond. Because of the title I thought the question was for someone else.
I have received very few Dendronepthea type corals. I have had few small frags for about 9 months now but i have not been direct feeding them as much as my Goniopora.They are however in the same system.

Starvation is often the killer for many hard to keep invertabrates. These new foods and the ones that have come out in the last few years have made a big impact on our ability to keep them.
They are tiny, they haven't really grown. I'm not sure if they are dendros or some other non-photosynthetic dendro type coral.