Depth on Acros


New member
I have a 37g that is 24" Tall. I have a 250w Aqua Medic that has a AB 20k Blub, I was just curious what's the farthest down I could put some Acros and what kind.I would prefer people that have this unit or similar units that have had them first hand. Thanks.

BTW, could I put Orange Monti caps at the bottom or close to the bottom? I have my light about 5" away from the water.
I think no one has answered your question because no two set ups are exactly a like. You will have to play around with placement like the rest of us.
you can keep em at the bottom...either way you should start them at the bottom for a week or so and monitor their appearance...if they dont bleach you can move them up a couple of inches every few days

i always start my coral at the bottom and move them up according to flow and the light....just depends on the appearance of the coral

just tinker with it....its the fun part!!!

but yes you can put them on the bottom to start...and you will likely be able to keep them there for good if you like it there