Derasa clam pic

here's mine

a some what older pic, but not much change since

and a top-down...
Thanks for the compliments!

Derasas are lower light clams. I have only kept them under MHs so I can't say first hand how well they do under other lights, but they should do pretty good under VHOs and T5 from what I hear.
Just got in the door about an hour ago and threw the clam in the tank and popped a few pictures before the lights went off. Not the best picture, but you get the idea. :)

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7072265#post7072265 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Snausages01
Just got in the door about an hour ago and threw the clam in the tank and popped a few pictures before the lights went off. Not the best picture, but you get the idea. :)


Not the best pic lol, that pic is awesome! Mine looks exactly like that, but with my PITA camera i can't get anything that looks that good lol Congrats on you new clam :D

BTW I have mine under halides, but he is also almost 20" deep in my tank, but he seems to be doing good :D
btw cutie, derasa's don't mind being at the bottom of the tank, ESPECIALLY under halides, I kept mine under PC's @ 5.5 wpg for 5 months and it did fine (still grew rapidly) and now I've got it under 20k metal halides and it's doing fine as well. The clams you have to watch for are the crocea's they like being at the top half of the tank.

I just tried to snap a few pictures before the lights went out so I didn't have much time. I was trying get a picture of the mantle up close like my other one, but couldn't get a good crop out of it; so my focal point is on the left side of the mantle and the rest is a little out of focus.

Its a pretty sweet clam. I have been after a tiger stripe for a while now and am pretty happy now that I have gotten one.

I have mine under 400 watt halides about 20" down in the tank as well. My other one sat on the glass so about 24" below the surface.