Detached yuma--interesting

Big E

Premium Member
This is a crappy picture but this orange yuma has detached it's foot completely to move over & make room for the three babies that were underneath. It's about 4" when expanded & was completely covering the babies.

Is this common?

I'm curious to see if it now will split also because it has two mouths originally when I bought it.

yeah shrooms of all kinds tend to reproduce this way. They move over, and leave behind a piece of their foot, which becomes a little shroom. The other way is through splitting entirely,
I'm aware of how mushrooms multiply, but I've never seen one physically move over to allow light to the babies. Usually the smaller ones grow & push through. If things get crowded I've seen them detach & latch on somewhere else in the tank.
my green yuma drops babies all the time that way, its never split though, sometimes a mushroom can live happily with multiple mouths and never split.