Devil's Hand Leather Coral (Lobophytum sp.) - For Sale

Mako Shark II

Fish are Friends not Food
Devil's Hand Leather Coral
(Lobophytum sp.)

I need to make some room in my tank for some new Corals I want to get, so I'm selling off my own Devil's Hand (mother), plus two of it's babies. (I'm keeping one of the other babies myself, which is not pictured here.) I have three (3) each Available:

2 each (Babies)
3 to 4" Tall with a ¾ - 1" Foot
Considered "œmedium size" by commercial sellers.

1 only (Mother Colony!)
6 to 7" Tall with a 1-1/2" Foot
Considered "œLarge Size" by commercial sellers.


Care Level: Easy
Temperament: Peaceful
Light: Moderate to High
Flow: Medium to Strong
Placement: Anywhere
Water Conditions: 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, SG 1.023-1.025
Color Form: Pinkish - Tan
Supplements: Strontium, Iodine, Trace Elements
Origin: Indo-Pacific
Family: Alcyoniidae

It is very easy to maintain in the reef aquarium and makes an excellent coral for the beginning through expert reef aquarist. The Devil's Hand Leather Coral will require medium to high lighting combined with medium to strong water movement.

The symbiotic algae zooxanthellae hosted within its body provides the majority of its nutritional needs from the light driven process of photosynthesis. Feeding: micro-plankton, brine shrimp, or foods designed for filter feeding invertebrates.

PM me or e-mail me at if interested. Thanks!
Better than Aiptaisia!

Not sure what I'll put in it's place yet. (I've still got a huge chunk of it remaining, even after I sell these this off.)

I do want to "jack-up" the adjacent plate of LR that it's resting on. "Tubby" a.k.a. Dory the Regal Blue Tang gets her fat self stuck under that rock and I need to give her more room to hide. I can't do that until I move these three critters first.

She thinks she's a fish, but she eats like a Cow!


See what I mean? "Tubby":
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Final Price Drop

Final Price Drop

C'mon you guys.... you're killin' me:

I want to move these out and make some room. Any takers NOW?

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I know what you mean,no xenia in my 120 either.that stuff is worst than aptasia. btw put me down for a small devils hand.
Preston - got your PM. The Big one on the left is your's.
Dave - I've likely grab that one in the front, on th right for you. (To get access to the other one.)

Thanks Guys! That leaves the one last 4"-er for just $15.
Marty can you save the 4" for me pls ... im going to beg jim for me to get it lol .. hahaha ... ill let you know by this weekend ..

Thanks Darlene ...
For "Lovemenot"? Absolutely! (...anything for a supportive "spousal unit" in the hobby.)

My preferred timeline to Frag their little feet off the base rock is tomorrow mid-late AM, so I can do a water change, immediately following that surgical procedure. (Obviously, these will need to be re-attached. I prefer the "œOnion bag & rubber band" method to foot them. (Otherwise, it's akin to trying to glue a slimy piece of sectioned Aloe Vera plant to something, and invariably, it never works.) Alternatively, a few pieces of rubble rock pressed together will hold the Frag, until it foots, then you can glue the rock to rock.

Preston will be by tomorrow AM.
Dave I don't have a time line from you yet.
And I'm confident Darlene that Jim will have zero objection to anything new for your tank, especially since making his down-payment on that new RR-210 he was getting from Kermit's. (Consider it yours!)

Thanks y'all.
thank you thank you ... Marty lol ... i still hope you guys can come next weeeknd .... that way i can jsut give you the mula here lol .. hehehe .. thanks again marty ...

No, thank you Darlene (Called "Jim"). You're givin' my healthy critters a home. (I'm just trying to make some room.)

At this point, I'm ready to frag (no... sell Outright) the neighboring Frogspawn. It has at least 10 heads.

First $30, takes it. (I'm just making more room.)

These old shots are from last January:
(It's grown since then!!!)

In Tank: (Old Shot)

Out of Tank: (Old Shot)

I only want one head please.
Put me down for a small devils hand.

Dave, I'll bring this to the meeting. That means there is only one left. (Anybody?) These are very healthy! Just tell me if you want the single Frag, or the Frag + a new baby, now popping up on it's side.

(The Frogspawn was sold last weekend.)
Dave, I'll have Yours in a container, but I'll also bring the second Devil's Hand, in case anybody wants it.

Last One.... Anybody?