DFWMAS Frag Swap - Saturday Nov 18


Well-known member
Our Frag Swap will occur on Saturday, November 18th from 2pm to 6pm.

The Irving Bible Church is our host, which is greatly appreciated.

Irving Bible Church
2435 Kinwest Pkwy
Irving, TX 75063

If you have some frags in your tank now, we recommend you save them and bring them to the frag swap.

What is a frag swap? It is an event that DFWMAS holds twice a year. This is the opportunity hobbyists look forward to as it allows them to trade or sell corals from their tanks as well as obtain new ones.

DFWMAS promotes captive propagation of corals, and our frag swap is the perfect venue for us to share what we have with one another. A frag is a part or piece of a coral. There are many ways to cut and mount corals for trading, which is discussed in our forums as well as at our meetings.

Because this is livestock that is being traded, specific guidelines should be followed:

Please arrive by 2pm to set up your area. We have a number of tables available to display your frags, but if you have a folding table you want to bring, do it! By 2:30pm, we will begin the official Frag Swap. By that time, everyone should have arrived and got their items arranged. For the next 30 minutes, NO TRADING OR SELLING WILL OCCUR. This allows everyone a chance to look at what others have available. I know this part is very hard to enforce, so we ask you to honor this arrangement so that everyone has a chance to look around and see who has what. At 3pm, trading can commence, and you'll have plenty of time to exchange livestock until 5:30pm. The final 30 minutes are for clean up. Let's leave the place looking as good as it did when we arrived.

* Be sure to bring an ice chest or cooler to keep your livestock's temperature stable. This applies to people coming empty-handed but leaving with frags. Wether the weather is hot or cold, livestock won't last long on the back seat of a car. Keep your frags safe, not sitting in the cold or somewhere where they may be damaged. Each piece should be given the proper consideration for its survival.

* Each frag should be bagged well. Ziplock bags are popular, but some leak. Be sure your corals are bagged well so they have a better chance of survival. Double bagging would be a good idea. Securing frags to some styrofoam so they float in the bag without touching the sides might be worth considering. Bring extra water if you think there may be a problem, and extra bags as well.

* Each frag should be labeled on the bag so they are easy to identify. While you may be trading them, it might be a good idea to put the price on the bagged frag if you think you'll have to sell it. Try to keep it reasonable. ;)

* Some members have brought photo albums to display the corals in their natural habitat (their former reef tank, that is), while others have brought a laptop to display them via a slideshow. Identifying your frags is the best way for others to easily recognize that special coral they've always wanted. Those that are interested will want to know the specific needs of that coral, so be prepared to help that hobbyist be successful by giving him or her the proper information.

* Name badges will be available, so be sure to get one, fill in your name (and/or username) so you can find one another.

* We will have a judge present to count your frags. If you bring 10 or more frags, find that judge! You'll get a special raffle ticket to win a $50 gift certificate from the LFS of your choice! If the judge determines that you are eligible, you'll get a ticket. Shredding a mushroom into 10 pieces isn't in the spirit of this contest, so be realistic. Don't argue with the judge.

* If you don't have any frags or your tank is ready for frags now, please feel welcome to attend and find those new corals. There will be all types, so no matter what type of tank you keep, odds are what you seek will be there - softies, zoanthids, LPS and SPS.

* Live Phytoplankton may be available, as well as some home-made frozen food mixtures. Hardware is also available at our swaps, so if you have something aquarium-related you want to sell, bring it along.

* Donations for the Freebie Table are always welcome. Odds are you have some stuff gathering dust in the closet or corner of the garage. Bring it along, and put it on the freebie table, as your junk could be another person's treasure. You might have a part to a skimmer that you'll never use that someone else could really use...

* Bring extra towels to mop up your table, and extra bags just in case. The more of us that clean as we go, the easier it will be for the final clean up before we leave.

We hope you enjoy the Frag Swap. Let others know about it, and invite them to join our club while you're at it.