Diamond goby?


New member
Where can I find one?? I am constantly cleaning the hair algae and miscellaneous crap off my rock and I heard they are good. I have a 37, should I get two?
diamond gobies are sand sifters and eat critters out of the sand, not algae, and they do not graze on rocks. Perhaps you're thinking of eyelash/algae blennies?
thats what I thought, I saw one at big als I will definitely go pick one up. This time I will win the battle against nuisance algae!
Fish Collection
1609 NE 163rd St
North Miami Beach, FL 33160

I was just there they have a bunch of them. They are also starting to get in some nice sps and lps
Instead of just attacking the symptoms, you also might want to investigate and try to fix the cause of the nuisance algae in the first place.
I am already doing that Im just looking for the complete package. Reducing feedings, doubling phosphate removal.