Diamond sand sifting goby


New member
Hi Everyone,

I have a diamond sifting goby that I've had for about two years now. It does a great job cleaning the sand bed, but it is disturbingly skinny near its midsection. It looks like its starving despite the fact that I can see it eating every time I add food. It does eat with the other fish, but it just doesn't seem to be gaining weight. Are there any sinking foods that people have found that might bulk this guy up? I assume they just need a lot of food in general and that other fish out compete them.
Thats funny, i just posted about these too ad mine seem to be fine and then disappear. I use sinking pellets 1x a fay and never saw mine go for them. You could try a more direct feed by turning off pumps and putting some food on sand bed near him or near his burrow or try the sinking pellets just to see.
Although I don’t have one currently in this tank, but I did have one in the past. I used to take my feeding wand and suck up mysis shrimp and then squirt them just BARELY under the surface of my sand near its dwelling. It would go crazy sifting that sand!
If you see it eating normally, and he's still getting skinny, he may have an intestinal parasite. There are several treatments that you can mix in with their food that can help that as long as the fish is still eating. It won't hurt the other fish to get it either.
If you see it eating normally, and he's still getting skinny, he may have an intestinal parasite. There are several treatments that you can mix in with their food that can help that as long as the fish is still eating. It won't hurt the other fish to get it either.

Thanks, that's a good tip.