Diamond Sleeper Gobies-2 \ Wendy-0


New member
DONE, I am SO done..NO MAS diamond sleepers for me.... AS COOL AS THEY ARE I have found the petrified carcass of number TWO this evening while doing my weekly water change! :( Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I even put the eggcrate on the top and he STILL managed to escape. He had to have swam to the surface, used his freaking fins to PULL himself thru one of the hundred ITSY BITSY square openings, then hop across to the edge of the tank and perform a full gainer onto the living room floor because he got some serious distance people... I wish I could have seen it, I am quite sure it was gold medal worthy !!!! crappit.................. I am completely disgusted right now....... :sad2: "going to find a glass of wine and sulk for a bit"