Diamonte vs. Starfire - why is it pitting?

Greg Hiller

New member
My 400 gallon system is finally really settling in now that I've got all my corals transferred over from my old 110. Trouble is now I'm starting to see 'pitting' on the front glass pane. I've been cleaning with paint scraper. But in testing the paint scraper I cannot see how it is causing pitting. I've cleaned this way for years in my old tank and never saw pitting.

My main front pane is the one that is pitting. It is 3/4 Diamonte low iron. The side panels are 1/2 laminated Starfire (1" total) and do not seem to be pitting like the Diamonte pane. I have Tunze 6200, aimed at the glass, but there is not much sand blowing around, and I cannot imagine that it is getting 'sand blasted'. I have an urchin, but I've never seen an urchin pit glass and I've had this urchin for years. Besides he hardly ever goes on the glass because there is no coraline there.

Any ideas why I'm getting this pitting? I was hoping this tank would last for the next 20 years, but now I'm wondering!!
Hey Greg -

That is crazy ! I have been pricing out large tanks as of late. No problems with the starphire panels ?? When do we get to see pics of the 400 ?

Jack Rent
Portland, Maine
correct me if im wrong..but im about 99% sure starphire or other low iron glass is softer than regular float glass. i believe the iron is what gives the glass its strength. i know ive heard this somewhere.
>im about 99% sure starphire or other low iron glass is softer than regular float glass<

I've heard that too, but I've also been told that is an old wife's tale. Still I cannot explain the pitting. Yes, only on the Diamonte panel, not the Starfire panels. Cannot explain it.
The starfire is thinner right? Is it possible that the side panels are tempered but not the front? Mine is all tempered starfire, you should be able to see a little wave in the glass from the roller marks...

err, well I could when it was empty.. just checked and it's impossible to see now. Maybe at night with room lighting on and tank lighting off...
How large are the pits, and what shape? How about the spacing between the pits? Is the pitting uniform across the entire panel? Are new pits forming with time, and/or existing ones growing? I'll try to ponder this one for you. G1
I've been looking into getting a new tank with the low iron glass as well, would like to know the answer too!

I do have one urchin but I actually think it may be gravel getting inbehind my magnetic cleaner.
Mine are more scratches that appear then just pits.
Hmmm. I have low iron glass from glass cages, I wonder what brand they are using?

>How large are the pits, and what shape?<

The pits are about 1-2 mm across. Some a bit smaller. They appear to be tear drop shaped. What I mean is that they appear to be half circles, pointing up. Like this U. They almost look like little fragments of glass have been chipped out. I decided to move my urchin to another tank on the off hand (and I think it unlikely) chance that it is causing the problem. I'd post a pic, but the chances of me being able to capture an image the pits with a camera are low I think.

> How about the spacing between the pits?<

They are widely spaced across the front panel. There are more pits in the center of the main panel, and seem to be more numerous toward the bottom half of the panel.

> Are new pits forming with time, and/or existing ones growing?<

I'm pretty sure that new pits are forming, but then again I just might be loosing my mind. If I was sure no new pits were forming then I really would not care since it's not bad yet. I do not believe that the existing pits are growing.

> I'll try to ponder this one for you. G1<

I would greatly appreciate it. I am really worried about the problem. I spent so much in $ and time I really want this tank to last a long time.
That is exactly what mine look like too. Little U shapped marks. Only on one area. Who made your tank for you?
I have never seen my urchin on the glass before so I am not sure it is from him.

How long have you had your tank? Please tell me that this will not get much worse after a little while.

I purchased mine from Aquariums For You in NJ.
i've had my diamante tank up and running for about 2 months and as of yet i havent seen any scratches or pitting

i am running it bare bottom at the moment so im not sure if the sand will be having an impact in your one.
I have had my tank up and running since Febuary. I am not sure if there is more pitting going on or I am just being more critical and noticing more marks...