thank you all for your valuable inputs. I managed to put in some LiveRocks and LiveSand today. This is what I have done since the last post.
1. fill up the tank with saltwater SG=1.025 and ran it empty for 1 week.
2. put in 300lbs of Live Rocks and 300lbs of Livesand today.
I started at 10am this morning and got everything done at 7pm. My arms were too short to do the aquascaping from outside so I dropped all the LRs into one corner of the tank, then put on my swimming trunk and jumped into the tank. With poor planning, the tank was full of water, so I can't moving around without completely submerged under the water. Even with a 300g tank, it is too small to swim in it. there is only enough room to craw around. But then I found out that as soon as I submerged my head under the water, my butt and legs would float up. There is something about saltwater that makes it hard to stay sunk at the bottom of the tank. At the end I ended up using one hand to push against the tank top ( center piece) and use the other hand to do the aquascaping. I only managed to move one piece of LR for each deep breath ( 15 seconds
). After 9 hours of completely marinated in synthetic salt water, this is what I ended up with:rollface:
here is a close up of the center aquascaping. I plan to have FOWLR, but want to have a few easy to keep soft corals around the center rocks. Something like green frogspawn, Mushroom, etc to make the fish feel more at home. What lighting would I need to keep basic softies? Would PC lights enough or do I need MH?
here is the left side with fake coral. The wife wanted to leave her mark too so she bought this huge white coral 24" wide, 30" tall for $300 bucks.
Right now the tank has a few crabs, snails, and Star fishes. I plan to add butterfly fishes and a few angels. My favorites are Queen angels, Emporer angels, and majestic angels