Did some LFS hopping with invertigator


New member
Carlos and I hit a few stores today and landed a few fish/corals. I have been wanting to hit some east broward stores so we did Exotic Aquatic, Living Seas, and (the always good) CRF.

Exotic is a great store with some good guys (nice to meet you Andy and thanks for the help). They did have a great selection of fish especially wrasses and gobies like the wheeler goby I picked up to pair w/ my pistol shrimp. Really liked the store.

Living seas was also a nice store with more corals than fish and I was able to pick up a real nice blue gorgonian. Carlos also got a blue gorg and a large red gorg.

CRF was a bit low on corals but still had some nice zoos (larger pieces) and nice aussie acans and acros. Carlos and I both picked up a large royal gramma and I got a leopard wrasse to replace my jumper:( Also picked up some fish food.

All in all a good day and the final tally for me
1 wheeler shrimp goby
1 2" royal gramma
1 2.5" leopard wrasse
1 small blue gorg
2 small packs of fish food cubes

total $65

not too bad i think...just thought i'd share
current stocking list in my 72 bow

1- sm/med blue hippo tang
1- med scopas tang
2- med oc clowns
2- pj cardinals... trying to get them out!!!! free coral if you get them out!
1- mandarin
1- longnose hawk
1- mystery wrasse
1- female flame wrasse
1- royal gramma
1- wheeler goby
1- leopard wrasse

lots of fish

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12029106#post12029106 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by REDDAWG43
Did you stop over at Dunkin Doughnuts?

Nope but I heard theres an order of melted zingers missing from an ale house in Broward!!! And the primary suspect goes by the name of "munyecon" :smokin:

Who did you buy the leopard wrasse from??? I forgot the name of the store I was at on Wednesday but he was asking 40.00 for the leopard wrasses. It was the store on US1 before commercial.
The store on Dixie south of Commercial is called Living Reef Aquariums, not Living Seas. They will be at the Frag Swap on Sunday, they're also listed on the LFS Finder.

We drove by a couple of Dunkin Donuts and we were tempted to stop but I talked Eddy out of it, I told him I was retired.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12031919#post12031919 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by invertigator

We drove by a couple of Dunkin Donuts and we were tempted to stop but I talked Eddy out of it, I told him I was retired.

heh heh, must have been tough, but way to go on the self-control, CD. :D