There is a reason fish are culled in the wild naturally, its nature's way of only having the strongest most healthy fish continuing on
These fish should definitely not be sold i personally don't have the heart to kill them so as i said i would give them away and notify the recipient that its a deformed fish
Selling them or breeding them again would only make a weaker fish
if you are really all about taking less from the wild this is part of it
if captive bred fish are going to be deformed and weaker dying sooner etc people will want wild caught, no one wants a fish that will only live 2 years because its face, organs and more is deformed when these fish should live 15+ years
Clownfish are one of the easier fish to take care and one of the hardiest of the the saltwater fish so why so many sudden deaths why so many sick clownfish
if you are going to play god then you have to do it all the way no feelings involved we need to have stronger healthier captive-bred fish in the hobby