digitata colors, post pics

Yeah, my fav was the exotic reefs tubs pink smoothie but you just blew that out of the water. That German Blue is a must have now!!!!! I think about everybody that sees that pic will agree!!
When I got the frag and it was brown in color. It takes more than 6 months to tune into pink color.

I also loved the German blue.
Figured I would share a few.

This photo has some of my digi's in the shot, sorry about the caps though. I know you asked for digi's..

Green and purple digi...

MY purple digi branch tip

My german blue polyp digi.

Another nice green digi colony in the bottom of my tank :)

And finally my orange digi...


i have several "brown" digitatas, they always turn lavender... it has to be your lighting spectrum if they remain brown from my experience
Yeah my brown digi, has a purple base, but the polyps are brown.

You can see my blue (polyps are getting bluer) in the background behind my microphthalma..... also got my bright orange one off to the right.
holy cows guys. some sweet digi's.

i've had green, purple, and pink in the past. they died w/ my crash years ago. then i got some new ones and then the wife decided she hated them so i got rid of them...now i want htem back after seeing these pics. seems like a reef isn't a reef w/ out some digi in there.

i have a blue polyped german digi but it looks NOTHING like the ones you guys posted..DANG those are nice.

also my purple always looked more brown then purple...wonder why.

i have a lavander w/ green polyped digi i got from a buddy. been pretty stale since i got it 5months ago. i hope it grows more and colors up better. and DANG i might have to get some digi now. i'll ahve to ask around and see who has some

this is my blue polyped german digi

not sure if it is the real thing but was told it was from a guy w/a lot of rare sps
