Dimmable T-5's, Is this all I need?


In Memoriam
I have a Current Nova Extreme Pro Six T-5 Fixture,
that I would like to convert over to Being Dimmable.

Currently the lights are setup with Two Bulbs on one
switch, and the Other Four Bulbs on a second switch.

I also have Two Simu-L Flash Sticks for Moonlights,
Sun Rise/Set (Left and Right).

I want to install all on it inside the light fixture.

Here are the questions:


Question 1.

Do I need to use both L1/L2 for the Two Simu-L
Flash Sticks of can I tie them both onto L1?

(If I have to use them both I will only have L3/L4 left open).

If I need to use both L1 & L2 for the Two Simu-L Flash Sticks. I would
have to tie 2 ballast together so 2 lights would be on L3 and 4 on L4.

If I Do Not have to use both L1 and L2 for the Simu-L Flash Sticks. I would
then have L2, L3, and L4 open for to put each Ballast on a separate Channel.


Question 2.

Are these the correct Items I need?

Three - 54 watt dimmable ballast for use with Profilux

Two - EVG-AP-2F Dimmable interfaces

Thank you
Ok I talked to Todd at Cherry Corals.

The Simu Sticks use both L1 for Blue and L2 for Red.

That leaves me with only L3 and L4 open.

I will put 1 Ballast on L3 and Two Ballast on L4

I wound up ordering:

Three - 54 watt dimmable ballast for use with Profilux

One - EVG-AP-2F Dimmable interfaces
When you have it all set up maybe post a video if you can, there are many users wanting to see these features running

Best wishes
I will see what I can do.

FedEx is taking a while to get it to me, else I'd have them in already, They should be in tommorow.
I got them in, now I just need to find a spool of 18 ga 600v insulation wire.

I was going to use the old wireing, but the new
ballast have all the leads to the bulbs on only 1 end.

The 110v and control are on the other end