Dinoflagellates.... What to do? reef dying


In Memoriam
Ok I have made a positive ID finally. Now what do I do to get rid of this nasty stuff?

Ive done multiple 20-30%h20 changes and the stuff is back within a day.

My soft corals are starting to suffer.

All parameters look wonderful.

0 phosphates
0 nitrates
Will a polyfilter take care of silicates? Maybe my base rock contains silicates. Its just weird that this tank has been up and problem free for a year
I had a pretty bad case of dinos, I removed all corals and clams, blasted the entire tank including the sand bed (not a DSB) to suspend as much detritus as possible, and did 20-30% water changes at the same time to get as much crud out as possible. Did this I think 3 times in a weeks period, changed the lighting to my Chaeto to PC's and increased it's photo period to abt 14hrs, Dinos completley gone in 2 or 3 weeks. The source of silicates in sand and it's effect on dino growth is one of those debated issues. It is true that the dinos skeletons are primarily silica, however as I understand they still require the normal nutrients to grow. Phosphate and nitrates reading zero are misleading as they are no doubt being consumed as they are produced. Consider a common occur. Red Slime, treated with remover, followed by hair algae and dinos. all because of some nutrient in the tank, one gone, another replaces until the nutrients are removed. Skimming and nutrient export are probably the best bet IMO and it worked for me. it may or may not be safe to actually disturb the sand bed, definatley a no-no if you have a DSB, but I did do it without adverse effect (2"sand bed)
i battled them for a year...heres what i did...scrub, siphon, scrub, siphon...20% water changes each week for a month, raise your ph to 8.4 to 8.6, adjust your skimmer so it wet skims and clean it daily, and the one thing that made a huge difference for me...add a fuge and light it 24/7...after i did a combination of all these, they were gone in less than 2 months.
I used:

high pH (8.6) for a week
no lights on for 3 days
wet skimming
heavy ozone

Never seen them again. The no lights portion is important in my opinion. I have even heard of people using a comforter/blanket over the tank to block all ambient light too while their lights are off.