Dipping a sponge?


Ex FMAS bod member
Premium Member
The sponge that I just got grows like a cap and is blue. It is also more solid than a regular sponge. I was told it is a Tyree Blue Chalice Sponge. I can't find anything about it. I am not sure I can dip it and I dip everything that goes in my tank. Does anyone know how to dip this or what to do?
I always thought sponges shouldn't be exposed to oxygen. Dipping and not exposing would be rather difficult I would imagine.
Would love to see what this looks like. Do you have a picture.
No not yet. I will take one in the next day or two.

Try Purple Chalice Sponge
Thanks Ty, now I found the info. Collospongia auris.

Below is a description I found on the web which describes it.

This very unusual sponge resembles Chalice and plate corals. It has a semi-rigid, rubbery body and bright purple color. The pores are very tiny and this sponge can even be exposed to air during fragging and placement unlike other sponges. It is slightly photosynthetic as well as a filter feeder and should be in moderate lighting.
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I have one. Got it from Ty. I didn't dip it when I got it but I did find a blue leg hermit living in a little cave under it.
since my google seems to be fully functional - :) kidding! - actually since we got off to a rough start, here is some info I came up with

scroll to the bottom for care instructions. The two preceding pages can help ID your sponge if needed.



Thanks for the link. 99% of the time I use google and can usually find the answer my self. I will put in a variety of different words if I don't come up with it right away. For some reason my brain must have been on vacation since I didn't put in any reef related words.

I know there are others who have never heard of it or don't take the time to use it. :hammer: