Dipping corals, how do YOU do it?


New member
I was wondering how people are dipping their corals. When do you use dip, is it done as a precaution for new specimens, or only for disease and parasite treatment? I've never had to dip corals before but I think I should have as prevention. Some of my corals are exhibiting white line disease. I bought some Seachem Reef Dip and followed the label. Just wondering if there are other techniques people are using with success?
i dip EVERYTHING in FRESH RO/DI for about 1-2 minutes....
then they go into Seachem saturated Salt Water dip for about 20 min.....
then into the prop tank for a week.....
if all is good...then into main display ground level!

oh yeah...if the coral is a SPS....then there is a middle step after seachem dip of an Interceptor dip for about 2-3 min as well.....rids of any redbugs.....this is something for sure to do.....as the redbugs are not something you want to deal with......

I'll say never again for me!!!! They will wreck havoc on your system!

Rich K.
I personally would never dip in freshwater. I'd say your normal interceptor dips would work. I've heard of people doing an iodine also.

If you really want to be safe, I'd have a seperate tank you keep corals in for a couple weeks and then move over.
The Seachem Dip contains/or is iodine. Probably the same thing you can get at the pharmacy for much less for all I know. Doing some reading on RC, people are alos using Betadine as a dip.

I'm limited on space/equipment for a separate tank but it's something I have been wanting to set up in the basement for some time.
This is the first I've heard of interceptor being used as a pre-quarantine dip. At what dosage is this effective and can anyone else confirm it works in such short durations dips?
I don't think it would be effective for a short duration. I'd dip at least 4-5 hours. I will use interceptor on all my incoming SPS at 2X the recommended dosage and for a minimum of 6 hrs.
What concentration Interceptor do you use for a 3 min dip? I did 8 hrs. I now use TMPCC for the recommended 15 min. I may go to do both back to back. Haven't decided yet.
I dip in 40 drops / gallon of saltwater of Lugol's iodine dip. Let it sit 15 minutes circulated with a small power head. Dip each coral into a clean cup of saltwater and add to the tank.
I do a dip in double dose iodine from one of the main manufactures (can't remember which one off the top of my head, either kent or seachem). I don't put in a powerhead, but make sure to to give all the corals a good "shake" a few times during the 5 or so minute process.

I'm a rookie though at SPS and such, so don't take my word for this ;) I'm interested to hear other's thoughts. I do need to figure out where to get Interceptor though just in case.
Interceptor for 6 hours at at least 5 x's strength in a 5 gal bucket with about 3 gallons of water with a very small powerhead.
FWE added for the last hour of the dip(same bucket) at 8 - 10 x's strength.
Sea Chem reef dip added to the same bucket at 2x' strength for the last 10 - 15 minutes.
All this is followed by a good shake in the bucket before removal. I have performed this dip on several corals with no ill effects to the corals but have to wait for long term results as I have just started adding the FWE at a high strength with the threat for AEFW( I wasn't going to add any more sps and I haven't in quite a while but recently was able to trade for a PM and an Oregon tort which are the last 2 sps that I wanted). I do know the Interceptor dip for red bugs seems to work as I have been doing that for a couple of years now.

I'm doing the same as fishdoc, but iodine instead of the SeaChem (wife gets it cheap from work).

No new pests or losses since I started that dipping schedule.

I do let the coral slime over a bit before adding it to the tank, 1-2 min. outside the water.

your regiment looks pretty sound. :)

FWIW...by no means am i an expert...but that is how i do it...someone else told me to do the FW dip to rid of pests....works very well i might say. a vigirous shake and you'll see.....the interceptor is for safety more than anything....i use about 1/3rd of a pill for all SPS.....to be honest...if i get a SPS frag/coral...its get the 100x magnify check before anything.....that is truly the only way to SEE if you have red bugs......

everyone is differnet...nice to see!

Do most add directly to display tank after for example:

5-6 hr interceptor dip, 15 min TMPCC dip


Do you put directly into a quarantine still for a couple of weeks after dips??
I read on another thread about using betadine (name brand) at 1.5 ml per 2cups tank water at let sit for 20-25 mins. Then rinse with water from tank again. I took some frags from a friend who was having problems. Turned out to be AEFW. It killed everything on the coral and plug/rock. THe corals lightened a tad but have had no problems. Did this just over a week ago and have not lost a one. I also read that it kills the eggs. Not sure if true, but scraped them off to be sure. These corals are in a qt tank to monitor.

I wish someone else would try this and report if they have success or not.