discolored polyps


New member
My first zoanthid arrived this week and I'm concerned about how some of the polyps look. Any ideas as to what might be causing this? I dipped in Coral Rx after I discovered these discolored polyps and several worms came off of this rock.

Nothing to worry about, new polyp rock came from ocean needs longer time to recover from dried shipping and abuse. Color will come back.
The ones open look good. However, over half the colony is irritated at something. How old is your tank? What are your parameters? The little rock next to it is a little irritated too. How did you acclimate them?
You have a mix of zoanthids, not a discolored polyp issue. The larger brown ones on the left of the picture are a totally different color "strain" from those orange or green ones. If you don't like them, pick them off.
These are in a quarantine tank with led lighting at around 90 par where the zoas are located. Water params are all ok. All of the polyps have opened up on the larger rock and seem to be doing fine. The smaller rock had what I believe is a white fungus and I have lost several polyps. I removed the fungus and dead polyps. Hopefully the remaining polyps survive.
Watch out with pests on the larger rock, those come in from Vietnam and are notorious for being loaded with nudis. Good plan on the quarantine!
I dipped in coral rx only. I will be picking up some lugol's today in case any evidence of the white stuff reappears. I am new at this so the white could have been just die off from shipping stress. I assume that lugol's is still the method of choice for fungus dips.

Being new to the hobby, I really appreciate the advice and amount of information here on RC.