Discosoma carlgreni care?


New member
So, I've had two of these (a red and a blue/green, both wild-caught off florida) that were doing nice and then crap out on me. Are they susceptible to anything in particular parameter-wise? I've got lots of mushrooms, rics, zoas, palys etc. and everything is fine except these. Ideas?
"crap out on me" really isnt that descriptive...how do they die? do they seem to rot from the inside out? do they melt away into a brown jelly? or do they just vanish?
in the wild they have a hard time growing during peak summer months due to the temperature of the water. so temp would be the first factor id look at, maybe you could drop it a few degrees.

since other tank mates are doing well and because they are wild caught its possible that they may be damaged due to improper collection methods. if youre buying from a store be sure to inspect the foot of the polyp, look for any cuts or damage to the oral disc as well. most collectors are more interested in quantity rather than quality.
Thanks Keys. I thought that it might be temperature. My tank was 76 until summer came, now it peaks at 80 and is 78 at night. I'll raise the pendant up a bit.

I doubt that it is damage due to collection - they were alive and well for months - the red one grew a lot and produced two babies via pedal fission. I got both from SeaLifeInc.

Crap out = The polyps fissure from an edge to the mouth and the digestive filaments come out, then the polyp melts away. I've got a nice red one still hanging on, but it looks like it will be two polyps if it survives.

Here is the red one in its former glory:

And the blue: