Distichopora irregularis pics, anyone?



I had a small purple colored piece come in on a chunk of live rock. LAsted in my sps display about 1.5months. Liked it but could not do anyting to keep it from wasting away. I bought the live rock just for it. Was told at the time it was unlikely to grow, but wanted to try. If I were to do it again it would go in my refugium (which I didn't have at the time), and somewhere dark.
Sorry posted as a thread. Should be here.
It is best to leave these hydrocorals in the ocean, at least until we know how to properly care for them and feed them.
well my buddy picked up a piece of this from the bay area and is gonna trade me a frag of it. so, i was wanting to know if it would do any good in my sps tank. i have some spots under ledges that dont get direct light, and then a few spots that are caves that are a good foot deep out of the light.

i will post some pics of it today or tomorrow depending when he brings it over
