DivineStler's 30 GAL LED Rimless Lagoon

Picked up the ATO reservoir from Advance Acrylics. John did an awesome job, like always! It looks small, but holds about 2.5 GAL. That's 5-7 days worth at the rate I've been evaporating.



I also added more of my rock over the weekend. My large Frogspawn and Duncan are glued to the rocks, so they had to come along too. They both look to be doing really well so far. I've got a couple other small pieces of rock, but this is pretty much what the final aquascape will look like.

As you can see I also have a huge diatom bloom. Nitrates are starting to come back down, so I should be cycled by this coming weekend.


Here's a picture of the Frogspawn under the RB LED's. Them RB's really make the corals pop!

got the rest of my rock and coral/livestock moved in. would have preferred to wait another couple weeks, but no room to run both the old and new tank. Still some small diatom blooms clearing up, but everything looking pretty good. Getting a good response from all my corals under the LED. Also picked up my first acro frag at MAX this last weekend.

I'll get some new pics up in the next couple days.
Everything has come out nicely. Its amazing how much wiring gets packed into the stands for the nano tanks.:o How tall is your stand?
Everything has come out nicely. Its amazing how much wiring gets packed into the stands for the nano tanks.:o How tall is your stand?

I made the stand 36" tall since that tank is only 12" tall. I originally bought the "CADLights Artisan" stand, but it was only 29" tall and made my tank too far below eye level. That's why I ended up building my own stand. Pretty happy with it, considering it only cost about 100$ in materials to build.
Took some pics over the weekend. Also made a little "stock list" spreadsheet to keep track of everything. Still working on the dosing, feeding and maintenance calendar.

I picked up a ORA Green Stylo at MAX and my buddy gave me a little piece of Green Acro. I'm not exactly sure what it is (ID??). Let's see if this thing can grow some SPS!

Current Stock...


30 GAL 24 x 24 x 12 Rimless Starphire
EcoXotic Panorama LED Fixture
16 GAL sump with center fuge
AA 2.5 GAL ATO Reservoir
SWC Xtreme 120 Cone Protein Skimmer
QuietOne 2200 Pump
Rena Smart Heater 150w
Vortech MP10 Powerhead
JBJ ATO System
Digital Aquatics ReefKeeper Lite Controller


Black and White Clownfish Pair
Watchmen Goby
Bullseye Pistol Shrimp
Peppermint Shrimp
Snails and Hermits


ORA Green Stylophora
Unknown Green Acro


Watermelon Chalice
Pink and Blue Chalice


Devil's Armor
Sunny D
Darth Maul
Pink Zipper
Vivid Rainbow
Paly Grandis
Tubbs Blue

Full Size Pictures Are Here






Great tank!!! How do you like the LEDS? I am going to be setting up an ELOS mini this summer. I am sure the E-lite will be a nice change from MH.
Great tank!!! How do you like the LEDS? I am going to be setting up an ELOS mini this summer. I am sure the E-lite will be a nice change from MH.

Loving it so far. All of my coral is responding well and everyone seems happy. Getting good growth on my zoa's, frogspawn is growing like a weed and SPS seems happy so far. The piece of green SPS I got was actually struggling (some browning) in the tank I got it from, so this should be a good test of the LED performance (assuming my CA/Alk/Mag are all monitored and remain stable). Running my CA at 400-420, dKH/Alk 3.25/9, and mag 1200-1300. Also dosing Microbacter7 to keep a diverse mix of microorganisms and sparkly clean water.

I'll most definitely keeps this thread updated (for better or worse) as I go along.

That frog is huge.

LOL, I know right! This thing is going crazy since moving in from the little JBJ12. I'll probably have to frag a piece off to a buddy in the next couple weeks.
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Took a couple quick shots. Still can't get a decent picture with only the 453 Blue on!

Going to pull out the macro and pod and snap some close-up's over the weekend.


