DIY controller input


As you probably already know your mailbox is full. I would like to know the final cost and also if you will provide the programming for it (price?).

Ok I am to a point where I want to wrap up the first phase of this. No Still no Website for this.

The whole purpose of this was to develop a base for the DIY'er to be able to customize a controller for their reef system. Everyone does something different and there is not a controller out there that does everything. I think I have a good base controller that is a good starting point for an open source controller project.

I need to stress that this is not an easy DIY project. You need to have some coding background if you plan on writting code. If yuo have no coding background you might be happy with teh basic kernel it very flexible. You can alwys upgrade the software once there are some open source code developed. It is programmed in AVC11 C for the Firmware and Visual basic for the host PC program. You will also need a compiler for C and visual basic. I can not provide those compilers for obvious reasons.

Those that are interested in this PM me. Understand that all code developed for this must be kept open source.

Let me add that the PCB's for this are not vector or proto board. They are professionally made.
I would be interested i have a lot of proggraming knowledge did 3 years of a CPSC degree and a little IEEE but then decided I wanted to do IT but am still interested in a little challenge. I have even coded in assembly. since you programe that runs on the pc is in vb one could easly incorperate outlook scripts into it. let me know.
Hi Ronc

Hows the Beta board? any ideas on prices and wether I can convert it to 240v 50hz instead of your nicer 110v ??

Sorry for the delay guys. This thread kind of died when I started the other thread. This link below should answer everyones questions.

DIY link