DIY Horizontal Algae Scrubber


New member
Decided to give it a shot. Curious to see if it works. My nitrate is stuck at 5 according to salifert kit.

I got flow, 2700k lighting, Ns and Ps. and a mat for algae to grow.

Made a box out of egg crate laying around

Bought and scruffed up a plastic knitting sheet from Michaels. 69 cents.

Placed in the sump under Led flood light.

Got my reactor returns hitting it for more flow

Any suggestions?
do you have this running over the top of a fuge?

I run a gravity fed scrubber running into a fuge but dont have any macro in the fuge just live rock for pod population. I dont get great growth but for the most part the only algae I get in the DT is brown film on the glass and powerheads
I have it in an empty refugium. Quit growing cheato while back. Switched to dosing vinegar and running pellets.

Is you Ns and Ps fueling growth, curious why not much growth?
I have it in an empty refugium. Quit growing cheato while back. Switched to dosing vinegar and running pellets.

Is you Ns and Ps fueling growth, curious why not much growth?

My system is still fairly new and I also run GFO. I would like to think my system has lower nutrient levels than any system I have run in the past. I believe this is the reason for not much growth.

The system is obviously working on my tank as it is growing algae just not like I see on all the other setups I see
It will work as long as it gets water going over the screen with lights over it. Might not grow as much but something is better then nothing.
That's not the website I posted, but is the same. Just do your researches is not as easy as you may think, in order to function properly. You have to know how much is your feeding ,GPH on return pump then you calculate size of screen and lighting needs.
This happened..

How far above the waterline do you have it? Do you have anything else in that compartment (rock, rubble, sand?)

Its about even with water line. I actually wanted it just below maybe 1/2"-1", but thats how it turned out when I cut egg crate. Decided to give it a shot.

I have two rocks holding the egg crate in place.