Except for the blues it's about the same combination I'm gonna have, so yes, it sounds good to me
But then again; it could get pretty annoying after a while when the LED-colors don't match the MH's.
I know you can adjust the output, but if that will be sufficient ....??
Maybe you should buy 1 extra LED of each color, that way you can change the total LED-color-mix to match the MHs as close as possible.
I don't think you're in big trouble having 14 Blue's (RBs and Bs) hooked up on one 60-48 if you run them between 700 and 900mA.
Even at 1A - 14 of those critters will only ask for 49 volts (14x3.5), and from what I've been reading, they seem to put out a tiny little bit more than what the specs says.
So running 14 XP-E's anywhere below 1A, would keep you out of the woods and should match the MW 60-48.